Sunday, November 3, 2013

"Brave New World of Digital Intimacy"
By Clive Thompson

This article describes Mark Zuckerburg's process to perfect Facebook to be as modern and fast-paced as possible. In the beginning he talks about how the early stages of Facebook were "primitive" because one could not keep an update on everyone's lives. Because of that, he created the "News Feed." This allowed Facebook users to be more up to date on all of their followers. But soon this became a problem because everyone was bombarded with too much information. But when the news feed was taken away, users missed it, and it soon was placed back and to Facebook, and released to the public.
Scientists have come up with the term, ambient awareness."This means the incessant need for online contact. Facebook has completely changed the way people interact. It has changed the way we view the internet. Since Facebook has come out, people have begun to post more often, but they are shorter posts. This formed into twitter. Twitter works as a way to constantly communicate with the Internet world, but the posts are only one sentence, maybe two. The author of this article questions why Twitter users even care about the worthless Twitter posts like, "I really hate it when people clip their nails on a bus."
The author creates a paradox of "ambient awareness." Though almost every Twitter of Facebook user would agree that each little post or update of social information is, on its own, extremely mundane, taken together, it allows the user to create a picture he or she's users lives. Overall, Thompson argues the reasons on why Twitter and Facebook have been able to become so large.

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